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Erosional. Instalacion habitada


By Paula Rechtman, Leika Mochán, Ana Rechtman, and Jésica Elizondo

Erosional creates a visual installation where movement, spatial design, lighting, and sound are all generated from water in perpetual motion. Disciplines such as dance, music, lighting, and installation coexist with basic scientific principles of resonance, fluid dynamics, states of matter, and the reflection and diffraction of light.


The proposal offers an inhabitable sensory space where both performers and spectators are enveloped by the softness and the imposing force of water’s nature, as well as the subtlety of the work itself. The installation juxtaposes the habitable with the uninhabitable.


The beauty of water—its movements, reflections, diffractions, tension, consistency, states, colors, life-creating potential, destructive force, and its eroding and eroded capacity—is the inspiration for this piece.

From water, everything is set into motion: water acts as an amplifying mirror of sound and motion waves generated by the work itself and by the interaction between the installation’s inhabitants/spectators and the piece. Light, through diffractions, projections, shadows, and reflections, reveals the water’s reactions and fills the entire space.


The work draws from urban scenes: water sliding over windows or other surfaces and ice left behind in the city’s corners, slowly melting and eventually disappearing, either evaporated or swallowed by the drains. The evaporated water eventually returns as rain or drips. The sound of dripping water also fills the room, immersing visitors both visually and sonically.


Erosional: Inhabited Installation is the first installation conceived by Leika Mochán, Jésica Elizondo, Ana, and Paula Rechtman. It consists of water in different states and containers, light that generates projections, a soundscape created by dripping water, and live interventions by various artists. This project emerges from the creative interaction that took place during the scenic piece Erosional: a dance solo created by Paula in 2010 and enriched by Leika’s voice, Jésica’s lighting, and Ana’s visual identity in 2013.

  • Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC) – April 8, 9, and 10

  • Museo de la Luz – May 18 to June 30


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